If you’re feeling a bit blue, try one of these ideas to get your smile back on.


1. Put on your favorite song, and dance around the kitchen.

A little reggae sound like “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” might do it for you. Or, maybe it’s the Stones, “It’s Only Rock & Roll.” Whatever your style, turn up some tunes in your house, and move to the sound.


2. Invite a friend over.

Maybe you’re not really down in the dumps, maybe you’re just bored. Invite a friend over to hang out. Drink some coffee or cocktails, do some knitting, or binge watch Netflix together. Whatever you do, do it with a friend.


3. Head out to a beautiful spot in nature.

The beauty of nature and its power to inspire is incredible. It’s free, so just get out there and enjoy it!


4. Take a nap.

Sometimes it’s hard to sleep well at night. You might really be tired and not even realize it, and that could be affecting your mood. Find a comfy spot, and get yourself a little shuteye.


5. Clean, repair, organize, or get rid of some stuff.

The feel-good power of cleaning and organizing can’t be denied. Even if it’s just the junk drawer, clean at least one thing, and check your happiness level afterwards.


6. Do something for someone else.

Maybe you know someone who could use a little lift. Maybe you could help them out, whether it be it baking them a batch of cookies or driving them to the airport. Or, consider volunteering in the community. Helping others is a great way to get out of your own head and feeling happier.


7. Meditate or pray.

Get silent and in touch. Praying or meditating helps quiet your thoughts and allows you to be in the present moment. It’s also a way to feel a stronger connection to a higher power or other people.


8. Call or visit a family member.

Have you talked to a loved one lately? Don’t hesitate to make the first move and reach out. They would probably love to hear about some of the uplifting actions you’ve been taking lately or a funny story.


9. Work on a hobby, or pick up a new one.

YouTube has millions of “how to” videos to teach you pretty much anything you want to learn. Sometimes just picking up the guitar and plucking out a few songs can make all the difference in your mood. Try doing something that you’ve always wanted to do.


10. Take some selfies.

A fun way to connect with others is via text message or social media platforms like Instagram. People love to see your face, and you can show enough of the background to let them see for themselves what you’re up to or who you’re with. All it takes is a smartphone and some apps. If you don’t know how, you can learn.


11. Turn off TV news, and avoid social media for 24 hours.

Speaking of social media, TV news and Facebook feeds can be depressing. Maybe it’s time for a break. Even 24 hours may not be enough! Allow yourself to disconnect and think about something else for a while.


12. Throw an impromptu potluck for dinner tonight.

One of the barriers to enjoying dinner with friends is the feeling that your house has to be perfect and that you need to spend a lot of money and do a lot of work in order to have a get-together. Break out of that mindset. Ask everyone to bring their dinner and eat together tonight.


13. Buy flowers or candles for your house.

Fresh flowers or real candles are little luxuries that can have an immediate impact on your mood. Try a bouquet or scented candles to add life, color, and fragrance to your environment. It’s just another beautiful way to lift your spirits when you need it.


14. Talk to your spouse about something new.

Sometimes, it takes a change of scenery to spark a new conversation, or sometimes you can find questions in books or card games to challenge what you know about each other. From your first puppy love, to what your grandfather taught you, to what you miss about your mom…just talk.


15. Binge watch comedies.

Need anything more be said? Watch and laugh, a lot.


16. Take a walk, or do your favorite exercise or sport.

Getting your heart rate up has been proven to get endorphins—the body’s natural mood elevators—flowing. Even gentle walking can stimulate happy hormones. If you are not mobile, try squeezing every muscle group multiple times…because isometric exercise can also help.


17. Make a list of everything you’re grateful for.

Gratitude increases your enjoyment of and appreciation for everything you already have. Make the longest list possible, and keep adding to it. Refer to it often.


18. Spend a whole day smiling, saying yes, and making positive statements.

It may feel fake at first, but soon you may find that you actually feel happier because you’ve simply forced yourself to act happier all day long.


19. Get a manicure, haircut, or other personal service.

Good grooming can be important to your self-esteem; make sure you make it a priority in your life. Letting yourself go can be a sign of the blues, and it can spiral. Practicing self-care can work from the outside in to improve your quality of life.


20. Give yourself permission to be exactly as you are.

Remember, you are living your best life right now. You are exactly where you should be. Never compare yourself, and banish negative thoughts. Admire your many good qualities, like your curiosity and your ability to laugh and love.