Disasters can strike quickly, and they often come without much warning. It’s important to be prepared for whatever may come your way, whether it’s a fire, flood, hurricane, or major storm. Since September is National Preparedness Month, now is a great time to put together a disaster kit and learn how you can prepare yourself for an emergency.

When preparing for a disaster or emergency, there are three steps you should follow: be informed, make a plan, and prepare a kit. Below, you will find tips and more information on these three steps.


Be Informed

Before you start preparing for a disaster or emergency, inform yourself about what types of disasters can affect your area. For example, there’s no use putting together a hurricane survival kit if you live in the Midwest. Make a list of the disasters that could take place where you live.

When informing yourself about the disasters and emergencies that could happen to you, make sure you think about emergencies that could happen in your own home. If you get injured in your home, will someone be there to help you? If not, keep a list of numbers you could call for emergency assistance.

The FEMA mobile app is a great resource for disaster information. You can receive alerts from the National Weather Service for your area, learn emergency safety tips, and locate shelters or recovery centers.


Make A Plan

Once you’re informed about the disasters and emergencies that could affect you, make a plan of action! Everyone’s plans will be different. Think about any special assistance you may require, and tailor your plan to fit your personal needs.

Planning ahead can greatly reduce your anxiety during an emergency situation. Meet with your friends and family to discuss your concerns and to create a network of support. During these discussions, make sure you think about any limitations you may have, and find solutions.

When creating your plan, make sure you inform yourself about the quickest escape route from your home and neighborhood, a meeting place you can go to for refuge and to be accounted for, and safe places within your home where you can take shelter from an extreme weather event.

If you have pets, make sure you consider them during your planning process. Not all emergency shelters will take in animals, so prepare a list of boarding facilities, veterinarians, and pet-friendly hotels you could go to for support.


Prepare A Kit

Again, remember everyone’s kits will be different. When building your kit, make sure you consider any unique needs you may have, and prepare accordingly. However, a basic kit should include a combination of the following:

  • Three-day supply of both water and food
  • Battery powered radio and flashlight with extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Local maps
  • Cellphone with a charger or a backup battery
  • Dust mask and duct tape
  • Medications
  • Copies of important documents and identification

For more information on what should be included in a basic emergency kit and how to tailor your kit to your specific needs, like for pets, visit ready.gov.



Although the idea of being in the middle of an emergency or disaster situation can be scary, preparing yourself now can help reduce your anxiety. For more information on how you can prepare yourself for an emergency, read this Disaster Preparedness pamphlet, or visit this National Preparedness Month website.