• US business activity strengthened this month, according to the PMI report from S&P Global.
  • Factories have increased their hiring.
  • The Conference Board’s leading index declined again in May.



  •  This indicator has not seen an increase in 27 months, a new record.



  • For the first time, the average economist’s forecast (compiled by Bloomberg) shows less than two full Fed rate cuts by the end of the year.
  • Goldman’s Q2 GDP growth tracker dipped below 2% (annualized).
  • The Conference Board’s consumer confidence indicator edged lower this month.




  • The final GDP revision showed further downward adjustments to Q1 consumer spending growth.



  • Vehicle orders have increased for seven months in a row.
  • Capital Economics expects a slowdown in real GDP during the second half of this year.
  • Initial jobless claims eased last week, but continuing claims keep moving higher.


  • Real retail inventories are rising quickly.
  • The Citi Economic Surprise Index declined further as economic reports continue to disappoint.



  • Treasury yields moved lower in response.


Market Data


  • The rally in S&P 500 tech stocks appears extended.



  • Here is the Nasdaq Composite advance-decline line.



  • US stocks are entering a small window of seasonal strength before a summertime peak.



  • By some measures, Bitcoin’s latest rally may have marked a cyclical peak.


Source: Stifel


  • US households are increasingly bullish on stocks, despite their growing pessimism about future business conditions (see the US section).




  • The US market looks expensive on a price-to-book basis relative to the rest of the world.


Source: @TaviCosta


  • Transportation stocks continue to lag.



  • Shares of US regional banks are still struggling.



  • Addressing excess office capacity:



  • This chart displays the breakdown of US equity ownership.


Source: Goldman Sachs; @MikeZaccardi


  • Labor force participation among Americans aged 65 and older:



Great Quotes


“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you.  If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” – Mark Twain


Picture of the Week


Valley of Fire State Park, NV




All content is the opinion of Brian Decker