When you receive your last paycheck, retirement can feel daunting. “Climbing Everest” is a short analogy that illustrates the difference between saving for retirement and living in retirement.


Climbing Everest

It takes a lot of preparation to climb Mount Everest. We are not just talking about the physical exertion. You must also have the right gear, a safe route, and training to survive the weather and environmental changes.

Preparing to climb Everest takes time. You spend time accumulating skills and gear necessary to have a successful journey. You prepare as best you can knowing that it is all hypothetical until you arrive at the bottom of the mountain to start your journey.

When the day arrives for your climb to the top of Everest, you will most likely team up with a Sherpa. A Sherpa is a local climber that is familiar with the area, environment, and possible drastic changes in the weather. They not only hike the mountain by your side, but they also help carry a bunch of your items. The Sherpa is not only protective of himself, but also of you.


Retirement Sherpa

In retirement, you build your assets as best as you can. Once you retire, it can be daunting after you receive your last paycheck you are ever going to get. Once you retire, you need a Sherpa. At Decker Retirement Planning Inc., the “Retirement Sherpas” are ready to walk with you through your retirement.