Our mission is to help you be able to build a retirement plan that can distribute income in a dependable way through your entire retirement, even through a market crash. It is to help you be able to maximize your income in retirement so you can enjoy as much of your retirement as possible.

We hope our live classes and information is able to help you retire sooner and with more transparency. All feedback is welcomed. If there is a topic or class that you feel we should add to our list, please let us know.

Safer Retirement Education™ is an educational branch of Decker Retirement Planning. Any and all visits at Decker Retirement Planning are complimentary for those who are 55 years or older and have at least $350,000 saved up for retirement.





NOTE: Your reservation is NOT confirmed until speaking with a Decker team member

Due to overwhelming demand for these events and very limited seating, we ask that all prospective attendees and their guests consider the following guidelines before submitting a reservation request:

  • These events are designed for individuals ages 55 and above. All attendees should be nearing retirement or currently in retirement.
  • These events are best suited for individuals with a minimum of $350,000 in investable retirement savings.
  • These events are designed solely for individuals looking to obtain financial information and or advice.
  • If you have already attended a previous event with us, we kindly ask that you contact us to schedule a no-cost visit with one of our pure-bred fiduciaries instead.
  • If you are a financial advisor or if you are in the financial services industry, we ask that you kindly extend a professional courtesy and not attend.