Now a days we are bombarded constantly about how important it is to be active. Luckily, most retirees have more opportunity then most to start getting active and stay active. Being active is linked to improvements in joints, muscles, bones, mood, and mental health. With so many reasons to get active, it’s hard to find a reason not to. Below are some simple ways to stay active throughout your retirement.


  1. Modes of Transportation

Take a look at how you are getting from point A to point B. Instead of driving to the corner market, walk there or even ride your bike. Not only is this a great way to get your heart rate up, it is also is a wonderful way to get some Vitamin D. A vitamin that comes from the sun and is important for a healthy immune system. When the opportunity arises, take the chance to kill two birds with one stone, and run your errands while getting in a walk at the same time.


  1. Family Time

For most spending time with family, both kids and grandkids, is a great way to get some exercise. You can jump in on a family camping trip, or day at the lake. If you’re lucky enough to have grandchildren that live close by, offer to step in and take them to the park or to enjoy other outdoor activities like hiking, walking, or biking.


  1.  Sports

Perhaps you already participate in a sports team, or previously were an athlete, or maybe you never had the opportunity to join a team; either way retirement is the time to find a sport you love. There are plenty of recreational and community sports leagues to get involved in. Not only is this a great way to stay active but it is a great way to get your friends involved and even meet new people. You can also look at getting involved in pickleball, tennis, or swimming if you are concerned about knee or back pain.


  1.  Housework

Some of us do it every day, some of us once a week. Either way, housework is a surprisingly great way to get your steps in and stay active while also completing a chore. Doing the dishes, folding laundry, dusting, and vacuuming are all chores that keep you on your feet, standing, walking, and even squatting to make sure you reach every nook and cranny. Take a mundane everyday chore, and jazz it up by adding it to your exercise routine.


  1.  Gardening

If you are an active gardener you probably already know what a great exercise gardening can be. Even for those of us that are just mowing the lawn, yard work can be a great way to get your blood flowing.


  1. Outdoor Activities

Being outdoors does wonders for your body and mind. Perhaps you are already an avid outdoorsman, if so great! Camping, hiking, biking, fishing, and walking are some great ways to be outside and get some physical exercise.


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