A Safer Social Security eBook

Social Security is more than just an income stream, it is a financial tool that can help power your over all retirement income while helping preserve your estate.

When you consider filing for Social Security, what is most important to you? For some, it is getting the highest possible income from Social Security. For others, it could be to file for their benefit before Social Security files for bankruptcy. The missed opportunity in addressing Social Security optimization is that we are treating it as an independent resource and not as a part of the overall retirement plan. Planning retirement should have a “team sport” approach in coordinating all efforts of assets and income streams to work together, not independently.

“If you file too early, your income is hurting. If you file too late, you’re hurting your estate.”

Mathematically speaking, if you are 60 years old, if you file too early, your income is hurting. If you file too late, you’re hurting your estate. When you file for Social Security, it is critical to account for the “gap” implications on your overall retirement plan. Which is more important to you, maximizing your income overall, or preserving your estate? Wouldn’t it be nice to see, mathematically, what your options are?

  • Learn about how Social Security fits into a retirement plan
  • See what differences filing at 62 vs filing at 70 can do to your retirement
  • Discover strategies on how to file that you may not know
  • Review tools that are available at SSA.Gov
  • See how a math-based, principle-based approach uses Social Security to boost the over all retirement income

Social security can play an important role that supports the overall retirement income that someone can receive throughout their life. Just like how more than one person in an a single effort makes a team, and your retirement probably has multiple streams of income (your team). It takes careful attention with a math-based, principle-based approach to be able to coordinate all of them to help you enjoy A Safer Retirement.

In fact, when we talk about maximizing your income, when you calculate all of your investments together, filing Social Security at 70 is not the most common solution. For those who start their retirement at 60 years old and want to maximize their total retirement income, depending on the intricacies of their retirement assets, they tend to need to file at 68 or 69 years old. It’s just math.

“You can’t get this information from the pie chart guesser”

We developed proprietary algorithms and created software that can run these numbers and show you what is best for you and your retirement. When we say, “don’t file wrong and leave thousands on the table”, we really mean it. We wrote this eBook to help articulate the needed conversation and educate all that appreciate a math-based, principle-based approach to retirement planning.